Andrews Auction Service
LOCATED: N657 Putnam Dr., Owen, Wis. – Directions: West of Abbotsford, Wis . – OR-- East of Thorp, Wis on Hwy. 29 to Exit 118, (Withee, Wis. Exit), Then North 7 miles on Co. Hwy. T to Co. Hwy. A, Then right 1 mile to Putnam Dr., Then left ½ mile to farm. Watch for signs.
Lucy's Lunch Wagon & Restrooms
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Selling will be the Estate of Stanley Leszewski, Including a large collection of Vintage IHC & other Tractors, Hobby Farm equipment, Vehicles, Tools, Music equipment, Household and Collectibles. Plan to join us !
Skid Steer available for Loading Day of Auction ! Bring your Trailers !
Sale Order: Household, Collectibles, Musical items, Small tools & farm items, sell beginning at 9 am. Tractors sell at 11 am, followed by Machinery.
36 TRACTORS – (Most are not in running condition) – 1971 IHC 1066 Ds. Turbo, 3pt., dual hyd., Open station, Runs; 1954 Farmall M-TA, wf., fenders; 1948 Farmall H, nf.; 1941 Farmall M, nf.; 1956 Farmll 450 gas, nf.; 1955 Farmall 300 gas, nf., fast hitch; 1951 Farmll M, wf., gas; 1957 Farmall 450 gas, wf., fast hitch; 1956 Farmall 230, nf., fast hitch; 1954 Farmall Super M-TA, gas, nf.; 1946 Farmall H, nf, w/ Stan Hoist front end loader; 1951 Farmall H, nf.; 1948 Farmall Cub w/ belly blade; 1945 Farmall H, nf.; 1953 Farmall Super M, nf.; 1953 Super M, nf.; 1954 Farmall M, nf.; 1959 Farmall 560 gas, wf.; 1954 Farmall Super M-TA, nf.; Farmall C, nf.; 1954 Farmall Super M-TA, wf.; 1957 Farmall Cub; Case 800 Case-O-Matic, nf.; Allis Chalmers B w/ Woods belly mower; The following tractors have froze engines – 1939 Farmall H, nf.; 1956 Farmall 400 Ds., wf., fast hitch; 1955 Farmall 300 gas, nf.; 1963 Farmall 706 gas, nf, fast hitch; 1954 Farmall Super M-TA, nf.; 1953 Farmall Super H, nf.; 1941 Farmall H, nf.; 1949 Farmall M, nf; 1942 McCormick Deering W-4, wf.; Minneapolis Moline Z, nf.; Farmall C;
DOZER – John Deere 440 gas Dozer w/ material bucket, not running.
MACHINERY – Mostly stored outside, condition unknown) – New Holland 315 Baler w/ thrower; New Holland 258 side rake; New Holland 56 side rake; Hay Rite 54' Hay elevator w/ transports, & electric motor; Newer 36' Hay elevator on transports w/ electric motor; 2) Steel kicker racks w/ rg.; Steel kicker rack w/ rg., needs floor; Flat rack w/ Kasten rg.; Flat rack w/ tandem rg.; IHC, Gehl, Kory, & other running gears; New Holland 469 9' haybine; IHC haybine; Hay crimper; H&S Chopper box w/ good rg.; Gehl 900 Chopper w/ hay head; Gehl 99 blower; Kools KB-60 blower; New Idea 7' trailer sickle mower; 3) IHC fast hitch 7' sickle mowers; Pull type driveway grader; IHC 10' single disc grain drill w/ grass, mechanical lift; IHC 400 Cyclo Corn planters; Vintage Owatonna self-prop. Swather w/ Wis. Gas engine; Massey Harris – Ferguson 3pt. 3 bottom plow; 2) IHC Fast hitch 2-bottom plows; 2) IHC Fast hitch 3-bottom plows; IHC 3-16” 3pt. Plow; IHC 3-16” hyd. Trailer plow; IHC 4-14” semi-mount plow; IHC 3-bottom trip lift plow; IHC 2-bottom trip lift plow; John Deere 2-bottom Trip lift plow on steel; 3) IHC 2-bottom trip lift plows, one on steel; 2) IHC 700 5-bottom semi-mount plows; 10' Tandem disk; Springtooth drag; Glencoe 3pt. Danish tooth 4R cultivator; 7' digger on steel; single spike drag; 5' cultipacker; older 2-wheel manure spreader w/ Gratz chain, needs floor;
Large Amount of Scrap Iron !
TOOLS & OTHER FARM RELATED ITEMS – Trailer load of small tools & farm items, including Wrenches, Sockets, Hand tools, IHC Tractor parts & much more ! Platform scale; Fuel barrels w/ stands; 18.4-38 & 15.5-38 Clamp on duals; Implement tires & rims; Bolt bins & contents; IHC Wheel weights & Fenders; Can't hooks; Saddle racks; Pallets of Items !
MUSICAL ITEMS – 4) Electric Guitars; Fender & other Amplifiers; Drum & Cymbal set; 2) Banjos; Electric Drum set w/ amplifier; 2) Violins; Electric double keyboard organ;
HOUSEHOLD / COLLECTIBLES – Bedroom furniture incl. Beds, Dressers, & Chests; Morgan Gun Safe; Black Singer sewing machine w/ case; Cast iron pans; 20gal. Crock; Harley Davidson parts; metal implement seats; Walking plow; other household and collectibles.
VEHICLES – 1994 Ford 4x4 pick up; 2003 & 2005 Ford Taurus cars; IHC pickup; old Van for scrap.
Stanley Leszewski Estate Auction
N657 Putnam Dr., Owen, Wis.
Cash, Check, Credit cards accepted.
5.5% sales tax on titled vehicles. 10% Buyers fee on all purchases.
Andrews Auction Service
6610 Hwy 53 S.
Eau Claire, Wis. 54701
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers: Jerry Andrews, Lic.# 272.
Aaron Andrews, Lic.#2943; Troy Krueger Lic.#2956
PH: 715-835-0820 or Cell 715-577-0420