"The RIGHT Choice For Your Auction!"

Andrews Auction Service

Auction Listings

Timbers Market Place Auction -- Coins, Jewelery, Antiques & Collectibles, Guns & Sporting, Furniture, and Tools. Located at 613 S. Broadway, Stanley, Wis.
Sale Bill Sale Bill     Photos  Photos   

Bob & Bernadine Grzyb Auction -- Silver Coins, Snap-On Toolbox & Tools, Lawn & Garden, Furniture, and Household. Located at E4378 Cedar Rd., Eleva, Wis.
Sale Bill Sale Bill     Photos  Photos   

John Albers Auction -- Land Auction - Approximately 241.7 Acres of tillable land and irrigation equipment. Located at N5988 Co. Hwy. N, Arkansaw, Wis.
Sale Bill Sale Bill     Photos  Photos   

Richard Slagstad Auction -- Real Estate & Personal Property. Mobile Home on 2+ acre lot. Vehicles, Tools, Lawn & Garden, ATV, Sporting, Ammo, Antiques & Collectibles, Household, Appliances, and Furniture. Located at N7584 800th St., Colfax Wis.
Sale Bill Sale Bill     Photos  Photos   

Menno Miller Real Estate Auction -- 8 + Acres with Well and Shed. Located at 27323 330th. St., Holcombe, Wis.
Sale Bill Sale Bill     Photos  Photos   

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Andrews Auction
Andrews Auction Service
6610 Hwy 53 S.
Eau Claire, Wis. 54701

Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer, Jerry Andrews, Lic. # 272.
PH: 715-835-0820 or Cell 715-577-0420
EMail: andrewsauction@cvol.net
Website: www.jerryandrewsauction.com