Andrews Auction Service
LOCATED: 27323 330th. St., Holcombe, Wis. – Directions: 2 miles north of Holcombe, Wis on Hwy. 27 to Co. Hwy. M, The right or east 5.7 miles to 275th. Ave., (South Arnold Rd.), Then right ¼ mile to 330th. St., Then left .1 mile to first property on left. Watch for signs.
Thursday March 20
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The following described Real Estate will be sold at “Live Auction” at the above described location.
REAL ESTATE – 8+ Acres, completely fenced with a recently drilled well and 30' x 60' Shed, partially finished. Well is operated with Honda motor. No electricity on property. Some new building materials will be included in the sale of the property. Approx. 6 acres are utilized as pasture, and approx. 2 acres are woodland. Prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property. (Sale does not include the 2 acres with mobile home and shed, located on the southwest corner of property. ) For more info, please call Jerry Andrews, Auctioneer, 715-577-0420.
TERMS: Earnest money of $3,000. payable day of auction. Balance due at closing, approx. 30-45 days. Buyers fee of 6% will be added to the final bid and becomes a part of the purchase price of the property. Property sells in AS IS condition, without warranties or contingencies. Buyer will receive Title Insurance and Warranty Deed at closing.
Menno Miller, owner
27373 330th. St., Holcombe, Wis.

Andrews Auction Service
6610 Hwy 53 S.
Eau Claire, Wis. 54701
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers: Jerry Andrews, Lic.# 272.
Aaron Andrews, Lic.#2943; Troy Krueger Lic.#2956
PH: 715-835-0820 or Cell 715-577-0420